IVCA Feature: VC & PE Midyear, End of 2nd Quarter Assessments in Online Press

July 12, 2023

Half a year can race by pretty quickly, and so it has happened with 2023. In a year where there may have been more questions than answers as it began, what is the online financial press opining in regards to the Venture Capital and Private Equity industries? The IVCA has collected some assessment examples, from Q1, Q2 and midyear looking back and ahead …

Forbes.com, ’State Of VC In 2023: The Resilience Of Venture Capital

Overall, 2022 saw sharp declines in VC activity after many years of fruitful and upward-trending activity. As we continue to operate in a more cautious and deliberate economic climate, 2023 is predicted to showcase a continued shift in investment priorities and economic mindsets.

READ MORE: https://www.forbes.com/sites/truebridge/2023/03/30/state-of-vc-in-2023-the-resilience-of-venture-capital/?sh=6efbba4f68b7

CBInsights.com, ‘The State of Venture in 5 Charts’

Following a bleak 2022, global Venture funding and deals continued to fall in the first quarter of the year. Using CB Insights data, we dug into the latest trends in the world of Venture Capital … Let’s dive in.

READ MORE: https://www.cbinsights.com/research/report/venture-trends-q1-2023/

Foley.com, Unveiling the Top Areas of Venture Capital Investment in 2023’

We know there has been an ongoing slowdown in Venture Capital funding for startups – this has been the case since 2022 and it continues to impact startups at all stages of growth. The slowdown appears to be leveling from 2022, however, suggesting that the market may be normalizing. Furthermore, investors are still active in certain key sectors and notable trends are beginning to emerge in the landscape this year.

READ MORE: https://www.foley.com/en/insights/publications/2023/05/top-areas-venture-capital-investment-2023

ORFDelhi, YouTube: ’Women First: The New Venture Capital | Kigali Global Dialogue 2023’

What are the social responsibilities of 21st-century entrepreneurs? How are startups addressing developmental challenges and where are they falling short? Is the traditional definition of ‘employment’ now passed and is self-employment sufficient for the road to recovery with niche, tech-led enterprises powering the next phase of economic development?

WATCH HERE (51 MINUTES): https://youtu.be/EC-H78QTwG4

PWC.com, Private Equity: U.S. Deals 2023 Midyear Outlook’

The start of 2023 has seen a continuation of 2022’s significant slowdown in PE-related deal activity as buyers and sellers navigate ongoing macroeconomic turbulence, challenging debt markets and global geopolitical uncertainty. Over the past year, PE-related deal volumes have declined ~30% (Q1 2022 to Q1 2023), taking the market back to pre-COVID levels. However, while volumes continue to fall, aggregate deal value has ticked up modestly each quarter since the post-COVID plunge, reflecting opportunities to get deals done given the right asset, strategy and value-creation plan.

READ MORE: https://www.pwc.com/us/en/industries/financial-services/library/private-equity-deals-outlook.html

Reuters.com, Global Mergers and Acquisitions Plunge in Second Quarter, Dealmakers see Green Shoots

Global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity fell 36% year-on-year in the second quarter, but investment bankers and lawyers expressed optimism that the stock market’s recovery will gradually restore chief executives’ dealmaking confidence.

READ MORE: https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/global-mergers-acquisitions-plunge-q2-dealmakers-see-green-shoots-2023-06-30/

BloombergLaw.com, What Happened to Private Equity in Q1 2023’

Global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity fell 36% year-on-year in the second quarter, but investment bankers and lawyers expressed optimism that the stock market’s recovery will gradually restore chief executives’ dealmaking confidence.

READ MORE: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/bloomberg-law-analysis/analysis-what-happened-to-private-equity-in-q1-2023

Coller Capital, YouTube Coller Capital’s Global Private Equity Barometer, Summer 2023’

Coller Capital Principals Kai Lin and Karen Tse present the key findings of our LP survey which captures worldwide trends in private equity. The 38th edition shows investors’ views on a wide range of topics, including LPs’ expectations for Private Equity vintage years 2023 and 2024, attractive sectors and strategies for PE investment and LPs’ activity around due diligence.

WATCH HERE (22 MINUTES): https://youtu.be/vVx7nk1eYfs

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