IVCA Feature: Updates and What’s Coming Up for Office Environments in 2024

January 17, 2024

With people coming back to work in 2024, post holidays and two years past the thick of the pandemic, what do American work offices look like right now, and what issues in personnel continues to affect the Venture Capital and Private industries. The following articles and podcasts will provide the details.

Gartner.com, ’9 Future of Work Trends for 2024’

From a HR site: “Each of the trends is critical to navigating talent challenges and aligns with one of four themes: managing the shift in the employee value proposition (EVP), augmenting critical skills for managers, evolving career assumptions, and experimenting with and implementing artificial intelligence.”

READ MORE: https://www.gartner.com/en/articles/9-future-of-work-trends-for-2024

HBS.edu, Harvard Business School Faculty ’10 Trends to Watch in 2024’

Employees may seek new approaches to balance, even as leaders consider whether to bring more teams back to offices or make hybrid work even more flexible. These are just a few trends that Harvard Business School faculty members will be following during a year when staffing, climate, and inclusion will likely remain top of mind.

READ MORE: https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/10-trends-to-watch-in-2024

InstitutionalInvestor.com, Here’s What Diversity Looks Like in Private Equity Now

Over the past few years, institutional investors have asked PE firms to disclose more comprehensive DEI data during the fundraising process, according to the report. Between 2016 and 2018, 47 percent of PE firms were asked to provide DEI data covering both their investment teams and portfolio companies. That number rose to 52 percent between 2019 and 2021. 

READ MORE: https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/2c3cjghyq6yn2mqof03cw/culture/heres-what-diversity-looks-like-in-private-equity-now

CNBC.com, As Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Comes Under Legal Attack, Companies Quietly Alter Their Programs

Most [cases] have been filed by conservative activists encouraged by the Supreme Court’s June ruling ending affirmative action in college admissions and are now seeking to set a similar precedent in the working world. The battle has been a roller coaster of setbacks and victories for both sides, but some companies are already retooling their diversity programs in the face of legal challenges, and the growing expectation that the conservative-dominated Supreme Court will eventually take up the issue.

READ MORE: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/14/as-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-comes-under-legal-attack-companies-quietly-alter-their-programs.html

WSJ.com, Enthusiasm Ebbs for a Diversity Initiative in Venture Capital

SUBSCRIBER SIGN IN: “Efforts to diversify the venture capital industry have been losing steam, strained by a market downturn as well as a broader debate about such programs in corporate America.”

READ MORE: https://www.wsj.com/articles/enthusiasm-ebbs-for-a-diversity-initiative-in-venture-capital-e025465c

BrandStories.net, 5 Office Design Trends You’ll See in 2024

The office environment has experienced drastic changes over the past decade. As companies adapt to the future of work, many are rethinking their office design to cultivate more flexible, efficient, and employee-friendly spaces. Here, we look at five office design trends expected to dominate the landscape in 2024. 

READ MORE: https://brandstories.net/5-office-design-trends-youll-see-in-2024/

Wharton.Upenn.edu, PODCAST: The Workplace in 2024: What Changes Will We See?

The changing labor market, the popularity of remote work, and the rise of AI will continue to shape the workplace this year, says Wharton’s Matthew Bidwell.

LISTEN (17 MINUTES): https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/podcast/wharton-business-daily-podcast/the-workplace-in-2024-what-changes-will-we-see/

Marketplace.org, PODCAST: AI in the Workplace, Where Venture Capital will Flow and Age Tech at CES

On the show, tech investors are among the 100,000-plus people who’ve descended on Las Vegas for this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. They’re looking for the next big thing in tech and trying to make sure they don’t throw money at the next big dud.

LISTEN (13 MINUTES): https://www.marketplace.org/shows/marketplace-tech/ces-venture-capital-ai-age-tech/

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