IVCA Feature: 2024 Predictions for Venture Capital and Private Equity, by the Online Financial Press

January 3, 2024

The new year is here … Happy 2024. As we begin another journey, what will 2024 indicate, and how will it affect the VC/PE world? The predictors and prognosticators in the financial media have had their say, and offer the following articles/podcasts/YouTube takes that all look forward to the new investor year  … which includes a presidential election. And in the upcoming months, there will be a deeper dive on this forum into these 2024 forecasts, as well as general business and financial topics.

Forbes.com, ’14 Predictions for Venture Capital in 2024’

I spoke with leading venture capitalists (VCs), investors in VC firms (called Limited Partners, or LPs) and other experts for their perspectives. They gave me their thoughts on what the fundraising environment will be in the new year, what LPs will be looking for in new commitments, what the VC secondary markets will look like and whether AI is an opportunity or overhyped. 

READ MORE: https://www.forbes.com/sites/marenbannon/2023/12/19/14-predictions-for-venture-capital-in-2024/?sh=2297bc8a5e2e

BDO.com, ‘5 Private Equity Predictions for 2024’

At the close of 2023, it’s clear that this year did not bring the dealmaking rebound many private equity (PE) fund managers and portfolio company leaders had hoped for. The exit markets were challenging, and inflation and interest rates remained high. Many portfolio company CFOs and their board members struggled to meet their investment objectives.

READ MORE: https://www.bdo.com/insights/industries/private-equity/5-private-equity-predictions-for-2024

TechCrunch.com, ‘More than 40 investors share their top predictions for 2024’

If I had to characterize 2023, I’d say it was the year of the great venture divide. Many aspects of venture didn’t follow one trend, but instead saw the emergence of extremes on either side of the spectrum.

READ MORE: https://techcrunch.com/2023/12/28/40-investor-predictions-for-2024/

RopesGray.com, ’Private Capital: Investment Fund Trends We Expect to See in 2024’

According to data from Preqin, there was a 52% decline in funds that closed in Q2, compared with the same period last year. A 38% decline in Q3 compared to the previous comparable period, however, indicates there are signs of improvement. Moving forward, GPs will continue to be hopeful that improving investor sentiment can increase their fund closings in 2024.

READ MORE: https://www.ropesgray.com/en/insights/viewpoints/102ivn2/private-capital-investment-fund-trends-we-expect-to-see-in-2024

Enterprises.upmc.com, VENTURED PODCAST: ‘Perspectives: Recapping 2023 and Predictions for 2024’

Embark on a transformative journey from 2023 to the anticipations of 2024 in this episode of Ventured. [Join the hosts and guests] as they discuss pivotal moments and emerging trends in the industry, [recapping] the key trends, investment signals, and takeaways from 2023, offering insights into what could lie ahead … in 2024.

LISTEN (37 minutes): https://enterprises.upmc.com/blog/ventured-episode-7/

SullCrom.com, PODCAST CRITICAL INSIGHTS: ‘Takeaways from M&A in 2023 and Potential Developments for 2024’

While we avoided a recession in 2023, ongoing economic uncertainty, rising interest rates, regulatory headwinds and geopolitical tensions contributed to a second year of falling activity levels in global M&A following 2021’s record-breaking year.

LISTEN (16 minutes): https://www.sullcrom.com/insights/videos-and-podcasts/2024/January/2023-Headwinds-in-M-A-and-Outlook-for-2024

NASDAQ, YouTube TRADETALKS: ‘Emerging Themes in Venture Capital Investments for 2024’

[Three VC industrialists] join host Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq TradeTalks to discuss emerging themes in venture capital investments for 2024.

WATCH (22 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/live/9LHZcUdfK0o?si=M9bZY_kcmeXcpctA

DECHERT LLP, YouTube WEBINAR: ‘2024 Global Private Equity Outlook’

A year of rising interest rates and slower growth has proved challenging for the PE industry. Yet, despite a decline in fundraising and dealmaking successful firms are finding a way.

WATCH (63 minutes): https://youtu.be/Pn1Lb3AaLWA?si=sS0nE1GaNmL_gaE5

And Finally …

JPMorgan.com, ’2024 Elections: 3 Thoughts on the Year Ahead’

By November 5, 2024, U.S. voters will have cast their ballots to elect a president, all 435 representatives in the House, 34 of 100 senators, and 11 state governors. Between now and then, there will be a flurry of key events, with a quick ramp-up in the New Year. January 15 will kick off caucuses and primaries to help states choose their presidential nominees, and by March 12, the final nominees from each party should be clear.

READ MORE: https://www.jpmorgan.com/insights/outlook/market-outlook/2024-elections-3-thoughts-on-the-year-ahead

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